How To Reduce Downtime For Your Practice-Managed IT Service

Think you’re spending 95% of your time with patients?

Studies indicate that most general dentists only spend approximately 78% of their time directly involved in patient care.

And every minute that you and your staff spend on IT issues is one less minute spent on patients and their quality care. When you’re forced to spend less time with your patients, they notice.. And they take their business elsewhere when they feel your service and attention are’t up to par.

3 Mistakes To Avoid

Mistake 1:

Waiting for IT incidents to happen before you address them. It may seem easier to simply wait for IT incidents to occur, and then address whatever the problem is. But most businesses don’t fully understand what their cost of downtime is.

Even in a small business, the cost of downtime averages $8,000 per hour. In a dental practice, the cost isn’t just the loss of revenue (ex. average costs $2,100/day/operatory chair) but the potential loss of productivity and patients, and the damage to your reputation.


Your practice needs a solid, proven Remote Monitoring and Management(RMM) solution, along with a comprehensive Backup Disaster Recovery (BDR)system, Patch Management and plan. If you don’t have these in place today, you’re putting your practice at great risk.

Mistake 2:

Dental practice disasters don’t just happen from acts of nature like storms, floods, and earthquakes. In fact, in 2015 reports show that:

35% of downtime is caused by natural disasters, 19% of downtime caused by operational issues (power or network failure, poor IT maintenance, malicious intrusion or theft, aging technology, computer viruses, and more).


Remote Monitoring and Management(RMM) services allow us to monitor the health and performance of your IT assets 24/7. With RMM, we can perform proactive maintenance efficiently to stabilize your IT and respond with rapid remote remediation when immediate attention is needed.

In addition, our Backup and Disaster Recovery (BDR) solution helps your practice rapidly recover from these negative events – allowing you to maintain or quickly resume mission-critical functions following a disaster. Our multi-layered security services provide protection from viruses and malware both before and during attacks. 

These advanced services predict threats before they happen, prevent them from ever reaching your network, and protect your computers from internal threats as well.

Mistake 3:

If you’re like many dental practices today, you’re constantly dealing with unknown and unplanned IT expenses-finding yourself faced with large cash outlays for IT equipment that wasn’t part of your planned budget. You may find yourself having to pull budget from other areas- postponing other investments you had planned to make in new dental technology, new staff hires, office expansion or refurbishment, or other important initiatives.


Your investment in IT infrastructure should allow you the ability to plan for technology and equipment upgrades in a manner that can be predicted and forecasted-reducing these unplanned, unbudgeted equipment expenses. That’s where we can help. Our approach provides you with expert guidance when formulating your strategic IT goals, planning your IT budget, and facilitating technology changes.

Why Choose Managed IT Services

We deeply understand dental practices and their IT challenges, allowing us to become your trusted IT partner to ensure that your technology infrastructure is aligned to achieve your most critical business goals:

  • Improve the quality of patient care(and patient satisfaction)
  • Boost efficiencies that result in driving costs down and profits up
  • Eliminate or reduce risks that threaten your practice’s success(ex. virus, ransomware)
  • Accelerate your ability to ensure compliance with changing regulations.

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